Friday, January 14, 2011

Square Fruit

1) What do you think you were meant to learn during this project?
I was to learn the liguifying tool and to make shapes out of objects

2) Did it turn out how i thought it would?
Yes it did turn out how i thought it would, Hard in the beginning and easy at the end

3) On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this project?
I would rate it a 6, it wasn't my favorite but it was interesting to learn

4) How is this class going for you in general?
This class is going really well, I'm able to move fast and hopefully finish really early

5) Was there anything unexpected?
No there was not anything unexpected in this project 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1) i meant to learn how to use the tool brush and yes i did work
2) it did turn out, how i thought it would, it was fun
3) i would rate this project as a 7, i liked it a lot
4) So far this class is going great and at a steady pace
5) I would rate my own creativity as a 6 or a 7